White woman with blue inhaler who is experiencing asthmatic symptoms

Biologics for Moderate to Severe Asthma

Biologic medications can significantly reduce symptoms for many people with moderate to severe asthma. They target specific parts of the immune system that cause airway inflammation, stopping asthma symptoms before they can start.

Animated human body in blue highlighting the digestive system in bright orange.

Type 2 Inflammatory Medical Conditions

Type 2 inflammation is an overactive immune response. It plays a major role in chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, eczema, and more. It can lead to significant inflammation in the airways and skin.

Senior couple sitting down together on a sofa outside.

The Real Cost of Biologic Drugs

Many people wonder if their health insurance will provide coverage for biologics. The good news is that most health insurance plans do cover biologic medications.

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